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I'm happy and would like to say thanks to our state country, Penang organizing this Anime Matsuri Summer Party 2015. This is the first time for Penang has its own Anime Matsuri. Although, I miss out the first day of the party which fall on 23th May 2015. However, I still get to enjoy the second day party which is the wildest open air Anime Concert on 24th May 2015. Thanks to god that it does not rain on the second day.
Here is the announcement before the actual party start which organized by SOZO, presented by Penang Global Tourism and Penang Government, supported by various company, official media by ANIMAX, AFA Channel & WOWJapan, and other supporting companies.
Anisong Artists from Japan: Mika Kobayashi & Yanagi Nagi and Anisong DJ: Hachioji P and Yuyoyuppe.
Well-known Super Cosplayers also attend this event: Angie (Malaysia), MON (Taiwan), Hana & Baozi (China), Shimon (Taiwan) and YingTze (Malaysia) as well as other cosplayers from other countries.
Anime Matsuri Entrance
Waiting for the Anime Matsuri Concert to start
Games Booth at the both sides after entering the Anime Matsuri Entrance
The Concert Begin
The crowds get crazy and wild as the Anime Song being played
Here is the some of video that I capture in Anime Matsuri Concert. Sorry for the additional background voice cause i was took excited and thanks to AniSong DJ getting all the crowds to highest peak of excitement once he play the popular Anime and Vocaloid Songs as well as some remix from some popular English Songs.
FYI, Penang will continue to organize the SECOND ANIME MATSURI in the year of 2016. Can't wait the next Anime Matsuri.